Behavioural And Experimental Economics Workshop From 25th – 27th Feb

This was a virtual workshop, conducted from 25th- 27th Feb ‘21 by Ashish Kulkarni Sir and Savita Kulkarni ma’am which consisted of games and their explanations- and even more games! 

On the first day, we played the “Bad news” and “Go viral” games which spoke about misinformation on social media. Then, we played four rounds of the double oral auction game, the last round being played after a slight detour that touched upon behavioural finance- We spoke about GameStop Corp. The tweet featured by AK referred to the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) index and the frog jump which is the indicator of how the MCAD indicator shows the bullishness of a particular stock. 

On the second day, we started off with some questions presented to us by Savita Kulkarni ma’am that paved the way for this session and proceeded to play the ultimatum game. After understanding the results of this game and their reasons,we went on to play the Dictator game and the Trust game. After taking a look at the results of these, we concluded the second day. .

On the last day of the workshop, we started off by reading an article about the Ultimatum game with reference to gender. Then, we played two rounds of the Beauty Game, three rounds of Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma and Repeated Ultimatum game. After checking out these results and understanding the working, we concluded the workshop.  

You can watch a video of this session here :

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